
“I’ve never seen such quality in furniture in all my life.  The interiors of his cabinets are as well made as the exteriors and he uses beautiful, beautiful woods and veneers.  He really is an artist.”
- Cathy Sasher, Allentown, PA


“It’s important to be able to work with someone who understands what you’re trying to do, and who will make a commitment to the project . . . He has a great amount of flexibility, and that’s why we enjoy working with him.  He makes us look good.”

- Charles Loomis, Loomis-McAfee Architects, Philadelphia, PA
  “Just a note to tell you how much we love the cabinets and the island. . . The cabinets are a pleasure to use and look at. I particularly like the island . . . its terrific!
- Muscoe Martin, Philadelphia, PA



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